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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Getting Over" Jack Wagner......

One of the earliest TV shows I ever remember watching as a child was General Hospital. It was just one of those things where if Mom watched it, you just kind of "got into it", as well. Elizabeth Taylor was Helena Cassadine and Laura was just married to Scott Baldwin. (seriously..someone pass me some Miss Clairol, already).

As I got into high school, the big characters were Tony Jones, Tania, Leslie Webber had been killed off, Bobbie had purchased the Brownstone, Sean Donnely, Anna Devane, Robert and Holly, a newcomer of Kimberly McCullough as Robin Scorpio, Tiffany Hill, Blackie Parish, and.....ahhhh....Jack Wagner.

Jack Wagner.

As a freshman in high school (86/87), Jack Wagner to me became what Justin Bieber is to kids today (though, Jack was a little older than Justin). Every album, cassette tape, Tiger Beat magazine with him on it....oh man..they were mine. It's no wonder that I still mentally blast back to those years whenever SiriusXM tosses on his "All I Need" tune.

A few years ago, I learned that Jack was all into Heather Locklear. No, I wasn't exactly bitter. I never really looked at him "like that", to begin with, but still, if I DID, I am realistic!! However, I learned to dislike this information immensely, anyway.

It was around that same time, while reading about Heather and Jack, that I learned he had cheated on Kristina Malandro. Well, least that was the rumor mill. And VOILA. At 37yo, I found my reasons to "dislike" him haha.

A few months back, I learned Heather and Jack split for whatever reason(s)...ironically, happening around the time Jack discovered his long-lost daughter. A little relief, but a little disgust over a FLING that produced a daughter...though, I don't know the whole story, obviously, and it truly is none of my business.

I still clung to my reasons to dislike Jack Wagner. Dislike. DISLIKE. This afternoon while waiting for my daughter to get out of school in our humble little po-dunk town in poverty-stricken Michigan, SiriusXM did it again and out blared Jack Wagner "All I Need". It stopped me in my tracks.

As if it were yesterday, I immediately was brought back to my freshman year and I COULDN'T HELP but smile. I wanted to dislike him and I wanted to turn the channel, but I couldn't. In fact, I found myself turning the radio up and singing along. How can I dislike someone/something that brought me SO MUCH when I was an early teen?

I tried. I did. I found myself hauling out the Jack tunes on the iPod for the ride home.