As I got into high school, the big characters were Tony Jones, Tania, Leslie Webber had been killed off, Bobbie had purchased the Brownstone, Sean Donnely, Anna Devane, Robert and Holly, a newcomer of Kimberly McCullough as Robin Scorpio, Tiffany Hill, Blackie Parish, and.....ahhhh....Jack Wagner.
Jack Wagner.
As a freshman in high school (86/87), Jack Wagner to me became what Justin Bieber is to kids today (though, Jack was a little older than Justin). Every album, cassette tape, Tiger Beat magazine with him on it....oh man..they were mine. It's no wonder that I still mentally blast back to those years whenever SiriusXM tosses on his "All I Need" tune.
A few years ago, I learned that Jack was all into Heather Locklear. No, I wasn't exactly bitter. I never really looked at him "like that", to begin with, but still, if I DID, I am realistic!! However, I learned to dislike this information immensely, anyway.
It was around that same time, while reading about Heather and Jack, that I learned he had cheated on Kristina Malandro. Well, least that was the rumor mill. And VOILA. At 37yo, I found my reasons to "dislike" him haha.
A few months back, I learned Heather and Jack split for whatever reason(s)...ironically, happening around the time Jack discovered his long-lost daughter. A little relief, but a little disgust over a FLING that produced a daughter...though, I don't know the whole story, obviously, and it truly is none of my business.
I still clung to my reasons to dislike Jack Wagner. Dislike. DISLIKE. This afternoon while waiting for my daughter to get out of school in our humble little po-dunk town in poverty-stricken Michigan, SiriusXM did it again and out blared Jack Wagner "All I Need". It stopped me in my tracks.
As if it were yesterday, I immediately was brought back to my freshman year and I COULDN'T HELP but smile. I wanted to dislike him and I wanted to turn the channel, but I couldn't. In fact, I found myself turning the radio up and singing along. How can I dislike someone/something that brought me SO MUCH when I was an early teen?
I tried. I did. I found myself hauling out the Jack tunes on the iPod for the ride home.