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Monday, February 20, 2012

Morton Salt has NOTHING over my house!

I always loved the Morton Salt logo... You know: the one of the little girl carrying the container of salt backwards/upside down only to have it pour out the back? "When it rains, it pours".

Salt aside, that pretty much sums up my household this week. Well, ok... It just sums up my household period. Never a dull moment.

On Thursday afternoon, my five year old started complaining of a belly ache. By 530, he was vomiting. By 8p, the count was at 4 but thankfully, it was his last and he slept soundly all night. Friday was a good day despite it was my grandmothers birthday. Nobody else was sick so we chalked it up to something the kiddo ate. My husband took half a day since neither kid had school. We took them out for pizza and then for a visit to Toys R Us.

It was after we got home when I learned about my uncle's phone call to my mother. A few hours later, my husband started to vomit. Lovely. That was shorter lived than my sons.

Enter yesterday afternoon. We had gone to the library. The kids had a great time picking out books and CDs. We met my mother for was a fun afternoon.

5pm: my daughter's turn for the vomiting.

The thing that makes it rough with my daughter is her gag reflex is ULTRA sensitive. This kid could not stop!! It was scary! She eventually fell asleep but woke up in tears begging for something to drink. FAIL. Even taking the smallest sips of Sprite resulted in it going back up to the old dish pan she kept at her side for regurgitating purposes. At this point, her eyes had large dark rings around them and her complexion was gray. It was scary. I didnt hesitate to take her to the pediatric ER. They got her rehydrated and stopped the nausea....and we were on our way home and in bed by 6am.

I got up at 330p along with a headache and some serious chest pressure that I had never felt before. EKG normal as is the chest X-ray...and the pressure has gone down, but I've been admitted to the hospital for observation and a few more tests.

Lovely. But, at least if I get the gastro thing, I'm in a good place!