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Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh How the Years Go By!

One of my biggest memories of spending summer vacations at my grandparents was strawberry season. She lived in Muskegon County and a farm really close to her was Veenstra's (and I believe they are still there!). I remember very warm days being out there for what seemed like HOURS filling those boxes and I just never could fill them like my grandma could. In hindsight, I understand that the "one in the mouth, one in the box" really doesn't get you very far, but oh...what wonderful memories those days were..and oh, how I miss them!

In Michigan, the season lasts maybe 2-3 weeks. No, it isn't long-lived at all so when it starts, I try and make the most of it. We live in a large city and so in summers past, I just purchased Michigan strawberries pre-picked at a farm market (Horrock's), but last summer (after the season was over), I discovered a farm maybe 15 minutes from us (on a dirt road in the in the middle of nowhere:) ). This year, I was bound/determined to get out there.

Obviously I have two kiddos ages 6 and 4 whose attention span is next to NOTHING so I had already made up my mind that there was no way I would take them both to pick. Today was an AMAZINGLY sunny day....mid 70s, not humid....and strawberries sounded SOOOO yummy. I decided maybe the kids and I would run out and just buy a couple of quarts pre-picked at the farm...but once we got out there, I just decided to "GO FOR IT" and pick a couple of quarts.

A couple of quarts turned into nearly 8lbs...hahaha....and the kids did well, though, they really had no interest in doing the work after maybe 5 minutes (BIG SURPRISE!). They spent time running around the sidelines/grassy areas of the field while my old bones bent over and picked.

I am sure tomorrow, I will pay for the bending (OUCH!), but oh...SO worth it. These suckers are amazing and each kid had a small bowl when we came home :) LOVE this time of year. LOVE IT!

Greenies compliment of my kiddos :)