My grandparents built their last home in 1970. My grandfather was a carpenter and he built a 4 bedroom home on 80 acres of land my grandma inherited when her dad passed away. It was "the home" on the stretch of road they lived on. Obviously this was a few years before I was even born.
For as long as I can remember, there was a picture hanging in the garage (along with my great-grandfather's old tools, etc)that was of my great-grandfather when he was on a baseball team in the local village (pre-marriage). It was a picture I was always kind of fascinated with (which probably led to my interest in genealogy) and when my grandmother passed away in February, I made sure I grabbed it. It was something I *HAD* to have.

For the first time ever, I took the back off the frame and it was a WONDERFUL surprise to see the names of everyone in the picture written on the back in my grandmother's handwriting<3 Not parting with this picture for anything.